Request a Vetbaseball Trip

Our full-service trips for groups of 15 or more guests are coordinated for organizations that have a veteran presence. Some examples of these groups include:

  • Veteran clubs: Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), and American Legion (AL)

  • Condo or Neighborhood Veterans clubs

  • Residential facilities that have veteran residents

  • College and Universities

What is included in a Vetbaseball Game:

  • Door-to-Door Bus transportation

  • Game Tickets

  • Snacks, Meals and Beverages

  • Vetbaseball T-Shirt to wear to the game

  • Group recognition on the scoreboard

  • Coordinated appearance from a VIP guest like mascots or players, when possible

Note: Non-Veteran guests of a veteran are welcome for a small fee to help defray the cost of the food and transportation, so we can use donated funds exclusively for our veterans.